Assisted Health Residence
Nocera Inferiore

The Health Residence Assisted I.SA.MA. , Resulting from the conversion of the former Casa di Cura S. Anna in the town of Nocera Inferiore, for over ten years is committed to ensuring reception and care for elderly dependents affected by neurodegenerative diseases.

Agreement with the National Health System, Health Residence Assisted I.SA.MA also welcomes private guests and also carries out everyday day center activities (08:00 to 20:00), with the possibility of hospitality only half day with transport from home service (round trip).

The hotel guests can enjoy comfortable accommodation in single and double rooms , equipped with all amenities and numerous services on request: hairdresser, pedicure.

Large common areas provide to patients places equipped for bodily exercise, mental and physical rehabilitation and socialization.

Following the rehabilitation multidisciplinary team composed of doctors, physiatrists, psychologists, social workers and animators who, while fully respecting the needs of all patients, implements innovative and effective healing techniques.

It is accredited with the NHS 128 of Decree of 31/10/2014, it is authorized by the Board of Decree No. 15051 of 27 March 2013.

Gruppo logo

Cap. Soc 1.200.000,00€
P.IVA 03222360657
R.E.A. di Salerno n° 281804

Residenza Sanitaria Assistita
Nocera Inferiore

Via dei Sarrastri 2,
84014 Nocera Inferiore (SA)
T. +39 081 517 01 54
F. +39 081 517 98 29

Centro Dialisi Ambulatorio Polispecialistico
Sant’Egidio del Monte Albino

Via R. Falcone 14,
84010 Sant'Egidio del Monte Albino (SA)
T. +39 081 515 3030
F. +39 081 06 04 542

Centro Dialisi
Costiera Amalfitana

Via Ferriera S. Elia 1,
84010 Pucara Tramonti (SA)
T. +39 089 87 73 97